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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Pledge

I am thankful for my body.

I am thankful for my birthmarks and moles, for they make me unique.

I am thankful for my scars, for they remind me of my ability to heal.

I am thankful for my genetically predisposed shape, for it pays homage to the parents who created me.

My body is a temple, a sacred temple, that houses my soul.

I will treat it with love and care.

I will give it food when it hungers and drink when it thirsts.

I will rest when it's tired and move around when it's vibrantly awake.

I will celebrate all of the things that it can do. I will make good use of my two arms and two legs, 
remembering that I am blessed to have all moving parts in working order.

I will recommit myself to this every single day, because it's important.

I will not give up on myself.

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