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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ga Ga over Garmin

There is something to be said about running unencumbered, with the wind at your back, the ground beneath your feet and the sun on your face.

Then again, stats are pretty freakin' awesome.

This is May 2011:

Count: 26 Activities

Distance: 190.43 mi

Time: 29:52:54 h:m:s

Elevation Gain: 5,056 ft

Avg Speed: 6.4 mph

Avg HR: 153 bpm

Calories: 21,681 C

Avg Distance: 7.32 mi

Median Distance: 5.95 mi

Max Distance: 14.00 mi

Avg Time: 01:08:57 h:m:s

Median Time: 00:54:59 h:m:s

Max Time: 02:17:19 h:m:s

Avg Elevation Gain: 194 ft

Median Elevation Gain: 183 ft

Max Elevation Gain: 417 ft

Elevation Loss: 5,340 ft

Avg Elevation Loss: 205 ft

Median Elevation Loss: 206 ft

Max Elevation Loss: 416 ft

Max Avg Speed: 7.3 mph

Max Speed: 11.3 mph

Max Avg HR: 165 bpm

Max HR: 198 bpm

Mindblowing, isn't it?
Before I went out for my run yesterday, I put my Forerunner outside so it could "locate satellites".  My co-worker (who is 73) saw me doing this and didn't understand why I used it every time I went out for a run.
"Don't you know how far your running routes are by now?", he asked.
I explained the fun, techie aspect of the Garmin.  I went into detail about the elevation charts, the lap splits, the HR data, etc.
And then, with a shudder, I realized:  OMG, I'm starting to sound like one of THEM.
(THEM = the +/- 800 engineers that come to the fitness center where I work)
Who knew?
I guess I have new respect for geeks (no offense, folks).  I'm feeling pretty geeky myself these days.
It's all fun and games and it's good information.  It keeps me on track and shows how I am improving (or, in some cases, how I may be in need of a break from time to time).
If it ever interferes with the joy and abandon of the sport, perhaps I'll reevaluate my daily habit.
But, for now, I'm good with being ga ga over Garmin.

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